lundi 6 juillet 2015

You can now look up a place in Google Search and send the directions straight to your Android phone

Google Search Send Directions to Android Phone

Working that 9-5, we can’t tell you how many times we’ve had to quickly rush out the door at the end of our shift in an attempt to make it to a business before it closes. When looking up directions to a place or business, this is handled usually one of 2 ways: simply using the Maps app on our phone to search (slow), or preemptively searching for a place on our desktop then using that search history in the Maps app to find directions (slightly less slow). For whatever reason, the last method doesn’t always work out so well, with our search history not always syncing up when we need it.

Google Search send directions update

Thankfully, Google is here to streamline this process in Google Search. Starting today, you can search for a place or business in Google Search where a link at the bottom of the Maps result will allow you to shoot the location off to your Android phone. Simply type in “send directions” and add the destination location. Once sent, the Maps app will open on your phone with that specific location, allowing you quickly and easily navigate to the destination from the Maps app. It’s a small update, but one that is big on convenience. You can try it out for yourself right now at


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