lundi 6 juillet 2015

Lollipop for the Motorola DROID Turbo is almost ready, and coming sooner than ever

DROID Turbo Lollipop

If Motorola Mobility’s recent tweet is any indication, you can expect Android 5.1 Lollipop to be hitting your Motorola DROID Turbo any minute/day/week now. What’s throwing us off is the strange wording of their tweet, which says “coming” — not that it’s actually here.

Yeah, it’s always been coming soon. Ever since they initially announced the device would be skipping 5.0 and jumping straight to 5.1. And the re-announcement several weeks later. And now this. In any case, you should probably check for the update on your phone and let us know if you find anything. This is such a tease.

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