lundi 6 juillet 2015

Announce your own dorkiness: SoloCam is the Selfie Stick for wannabe news anchors


If you thought Selfie Sticks were a symbol of pop culture degredation, I’ve got bad news. We’ve reached a new low. A company from Israel has launched a new IndieGogo campaign that takes the infamous Selfie Stick and replaces the handle with a handheld microphone. But it doesn’t stop there: the SoloCam app adds a teleprompter,  green screen feature, and video effects to your creation, allowing you to announce how dumb you look to your followers in real-time.

Warning: watching this cringe-worthy video may cause your to face contort into positions so awkward, it may burn a hole in the brain’s of those around you. I can think of only two reasons that purchasing the SoloCam would be worthwhile:

  1. As a gag gift for a news anchor friend

  2. As a children’s gift for a little kid obsessed with news anchors

In the first case, it’ll likely collect dust and in the second case, you’ll be dooming your child into a dorkdom of bullying. You might as well have named them Dorkson Weebleton Bajeebles the 9th.

If you couldn’t tell, I’m not exactly a selfie stick sympathizer. I can appreciate that for the solo traveler or wilderness adventures it may be worthwhile stuffing one in your backpack. However, morphing that into a news anchor experience is an absurd and unnecessary proposition that very few people will find useful and all will find overtly amateur.

Would you take anyone seriously who used a SoloCam? Would you use one yourself? Should we shame an intern into using one for coverage on the CES show floor?

If you’re able to swallow your pride and want to buy one, head on over to the IndieGogo campaign where you can snag one for as low as .

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